Friday, March 23, 2012

Hunger Games' Jennifer Lawrence: Time for attitude adjustment?

Jennifer Lawrence of 'Hunger Games'

Jennifer Lawrence of "The Hunger Games" has called herself a troll, and although this self-deprecation seems to be making some people dreamy-eyed, it may be time for an attitude adjustment.

"The Hunger Games" is set to explode. As Company Town reports, interest in the film based on the literary teen epic is "so astronomical" that it's difficult to pin down just how well the movie will do in its debut, but it could generate as much as $150 million in ticket sales. The movie opens Friday.
Meanwhile, Lawrence goes on "David Letterman" and trashes herself: "I think the movie's great, but their biggest mistake was me."  ShowTracker's Meredith Blake found her "hilariously candid" and "refreshingly human -- if slightly troubling."
The guy-oriented blog Road Fish was gushing after Lawrence's appearance. She "has reached a new level of amazing in my book."
The article goes on to say: "Fellas: Pick a girl who acknowledges her talents and assets ... but remains even-keeled about herself and life."
On "Letterman," however, Lawrence -- although certainly charming -- didn't seem appreciative of her talents or herself.
The Times' Alexandra Le Tellier decries Lawrence's attitude, saying when "someone as beautiful and as talented as Lawrence admits her insecurities as a matter of fact," it compounds the "culture of insecurity" -- for which there is an abundance of evidence online, including the "Am I Ugly?" videos.
After this weekend, things probably will change radically for Lawrence, who already is confronting the evils of celebrity, including hidden paparazzi.
She's poised on the cusp of mega-fame. Will she continue to call herself a troll?

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